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Thank you for visiting with usat America's SBDC 2023!

Small businesses are the backbone of our nation’s economy and our Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) are the very lifeline these businesses need to stay afloat. It is essential that SBDC counselors understand the industry-specific nuances that are impacting clients’ businesses.


Register for our upcoming SBDC-specific Vertical IQ training sessions:

General Vertical IQ Site Training – Exclusively for ASBDC

Advanced Topic-Specific Training – Exclusively for ASBDC


Fill out the form to download our eBook, “8 Ways SBDCs Use Industry Intelligence to Help Small Businesses” for simple, actionable tips on how you can elevate your expertise to help clients succeed!

“Market intelligence is an essential part of every small business’ journey to success. Vertical IQ’s ability to provide that information in a concise, reliable and readily available format to SBDC business counselors drastically improves our clients’ ability to make important and informed decisions.”

Austin Strawhacker, Associate State Director | Iowa SBDC


8 Ways SBDCs Use Industry Intelligence to Help Small Businesses

Additional Resources

Strategizing with Business Owners: Creating Value with Industry Intelligence

Workshop HandoutSlide Deck