On Demand Webinar

Leveraging Data & Insights to Power Credit Union Commercial Lending Strategies

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Credit unions are proud of their reputation as community-focused financial institutions that perform an integral role in their local economies. Many credit unions are looking to make a greater impact on their communities by expanding and diversifying their business lending. As credit unions make the push into the commercial & industrial lending space, their ability to efficiently leverage industry insights and company/contact intelligence to support their business lending initiatives can be a game-changer and help them stay competitive in winning the trust of business owners.

Watch this on demand webinar with RelPro on how Industry Intelligence and company/contact data can help empower credit unions to increase their C&I lending initiatives. 

This webinar will feature insights and best practices for how credit unions can power their business lending strategy by:
  • Efficiently identifying potential commercial contacts and business members
  • Leveraging industry intelligence to build trust and credibility
  • Optimizing relationship management with access to integrated intelligence on companies and business executives