Nanotechnology Research Services

Industry Profile Report

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Industry Profile Excerpts

Industry Overview

The 1,540 nanotechnology research services companies conduct research and experimental development on matter at the nanoscale (1 to 100 nanometers). Their work may evolve into the creation of new nanotechnology processes, materials, or products that may be reproduced, utilized, or implemented by different industries. Firms study the physical, chemical, biological, and optical properties of matter at the nanoscale that differ from the properties of bulk materials, single atoms, and molecules. Nanostructured materials may be stronger, more chemically reactive, or have different magnetic properties compared to the standard forms and sizes of the same material. The end goal of research is to develop technology or new applications of technology for commercialization.

Dependence on End Markets and Economic Conditions

The nanotechnology industry is dependent on the output of end markets, which are impacted by economic conditions.

Patents Decline

While the total number of patents granted for nanotechnology has fallen over time, certain categories experienced growth.

Industry size & Structure

The average nanotechnology research and development company employs about 20 workers and generates $23 million annually.

    • The nanotechnology research and development industry consists of about 1,540 firms that employ about 30,000 workers and generate $35 billion annually.
    • The industry is concentrated with the top 50 companies account for about 65% of industry revenue.
    • Estimated revenue for US products that incorporate nanotechnology totaled $3 trillion in 2020, according to the Congressional and National Science Foundation studies.
    • Government-funded organizations that host nanotechnology research include Argonne National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Brookhaven National Laboratory. Universities with major nanotechnology research centers (which receive government funding) include Cornell, Northwestern, Stanford, and the University of Minnesota.
                                  Industry Forecast
                                  Nanotechnology Research Services Industry Growth
                                  Source: Vertical IQ and Inforum

                                  Recent Developments

                                  Sep 4, 2024 - Nanotechnology Research Could Yield Plant Engineering Breakthrough
                                  • New nanotechnology research recently published in the journal Advanced Materials could herald a breakthrough in plant engineering. Plant cell walls are impermeable to outside molecules, which has been a long-standing impediment to scientific advances in plant engineering areas including crop improvement and stress monitoring. The study’s authors developed polymeric nanocarriers (PNCs) capable of crossing cell walls to deliver functional proteins to cells. The scientists used the PNC to deliver a reduction-oxidation sensitive green fluorescent protein (roGFP) that acts as a stress sensor by changing its fluorescence in response to stress signals including wounds, pathogens, or heat exposure. Delivery of the roGEP into plant cells allowed the researchers to monitor plants responses to stressors in real time, representing a potential new frontier in agricultural engineering.
                                  • A joint team of researchers based in the UK and China recently published a study in the journal Talanta outlining how they used nanotechnology to improve a device used to monitor blood levels of the stress biomarker cortisol. Managing stress is seen as a key defense in preventing conditions ranging from depression to Alzheimer’s. Existing cortisol detectors use electrodes with a silver layer that easily oxidizes amid changes in temperature or pH, reducing their accuracy and shelf life, and making them difficult to manufacture at scale. The researchers used iridium oxide nanoparticles to protect the silver layer of the cortisol detector, improving the stability and sensitivity of the device.
                                  • Researchers at Rice University have developed gas-filled, free-floating protein nanostructures that could have significant impact in areas including drug delivery and ultrasound imaging. The novel, diamond-shaped 50-nanometer gas vesicles (50-NM GVs) are much smaller than existing microbubbles. Unlike existing microbubbles which are about 1-10 micrometers in diameter and are typically unable to leave the bloodstream, 50-NM GVs are small enough to penetrate tissue. The Rice research showed that the 50-NM GVs could reach important immune cells in lymph nodes. The technology could be used to deliver contrast agents used in advanced imaging. The nanostructure’s ability to cross into the lymphatic system also has potential use in cancer prevention, immunotherapies, and early diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases.
                                  • Researchers at Spain’s Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) and the CIBER de Bioingeniería, Biomaterials y Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN) have developed a nanodevice or “nanokiller” that employs a component in cinnamon essential oils to target and destroy antibiotic-resistant pathogens, according to Nano Magazine. The nanodevice encapsulates cinnamaldehyde, a compound derived from cinnamon essential oils, in a porous silica matrix that releases the compound in the presence of pathogens. Researchers suggest the technology could have applications in settings including healthcare facilities, food processing, and environmental management.
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