Become an Expert Industry Intelligence

Thousands of advisors, consultants, CPAs, and bankers trust Vertical IQ to make them instant experts on their clients’ industries.

  • Prep for client meetings by understanding your client’s industry
  • Assess competitive best practices to help your clients’ business
  • Provide clients and prospects with intelligence on the industries they sell to
  • Validate industry trends and events for sales presentations, strategic analysis, valuation, litigation support, audit, consulting, and many other services
  • Help clients make strategic planning decisions, such as which new markets to enter
  • Build industry-specific campaigns, collateral, and content
  • Improve your marketing with industry-specific insight and content
Reviewing industry knowledge before a client meeting.

What's Included with Vertical IQ

$100 per user

per month billed annually

Subscribe Now

$110 per user

per month billed monthly

Subscribe Now

  • 920+ Industry Profiles covering over 97% of the US economy and Canada
  • Localized Industry Data
  • 3,400+ Local Economic Profiles
  • Industry News
  • Sorting and Targeting Ability
  • Quarterly Update Emails
  • 17 Chapters per Profile
  • SalesKit
  • Industry Briefs
  • Mobile App Access
  • Much, Much More!

Benefits of Vertical IQ

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Become Your Clients' Most Valuable Resource

Your clients need strategic insight about their industries - and the industries they sell to. Understand their business environment so that you become an indispensable member of their team.

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Timely and Time-Saving Content

We’ve done the research for you. Provide timely, strategic insight specific to your client’s industry - without spending a ton of research time.

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Shareable Content

This is content clients want, so delight them by sharing it! Deliver financial comparisons and detailed local economic data.

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Support Your Recommendations

Validate industry trends for valuations, litigation support, audits, and more.

Researching industries and meeting with clients. Vertical IQ is a valuable resource

Get Started Today!

Get access to timely, and actionable intelligence that transforms you into a trusted advisor.

Our Individual Subscription will give you access to our Industry Intelligence so that you can provide your clients with tailored recommendations informed by the latest industry data, helping you be an invaluable asset to your clients.

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