Cement & Concrete Products Manufacturers

Industry Profile Report

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Industry Overview Current Conditions, Industry Structure, How Firms Operate, Industry Trends, Credit Underwriting & Risks, and Industry Forecast.

Call Preparation Call Prep Questions, Industry Terms, and Weblinks.

Financial Insights Working Capital, Capital Financing, Business Valuation, and Financial Benchmarks.

Industry Profile Excerpts

Industry Overview

The 3,900 cement and concrete manufacturers in the US produce cement, concrete, and concrete products for the construction industry. Major product categories include ready-mixed concrete; concrete pipe, brick and block; other types of concrete products (structural products, bridge girders); and cement. Large companies may be vertically integrated and own or lease quarries that contain raw materials (limestone, aggregates). Some large cement manufacturers have downstream concrete production operations.

Seasonal Demand

Demand for cement, concrete, and concrete products is seasonal, and drops during the winter months due to unfavorable weather conditions across much of the US.

Capital-Intensive Operations

Cement manufacturing is capital-intensive and requires a significant investment in plants and equipment.

Industry size & Structure

The average cement manufacturer employs 91 workers and generates about $102 million annually, while the average concrete or concrete product manufacturer employs 44 workers and generates $18.9 million annually.

    • The cement and concrete manufacturing industry consists of about 3,900 companies, employs about 205,600 workers, and generates about $69.5 billion annually.
    • Ready-mixed concrete manufacturers account for about 54% of industry sales; cement manufacturing accounts for about 14%: concrete pipe, brick and block manufacturing are about 10%; and other concrete product manufacturing is about 22%.
    • About 90 US companies manufacture cement. The cement manufacturing industry is highly concentrated; the top 20 companies account for 91% of sector sales. The concrete product manufacturing industry is less concentrated; the top 50 companies account for 70% of industry sales. The ready-mix concrete industry is least concentrated, with the top 50 companies accounting for 47% of industry sales.
    • Large companies include CEMEX, Holcim Group (formerly LafargeHolcim), Heidelberg Materials (formerly Heidelberg Cement), and Martin Marietta Materials. Many large cement manufacturers are owned by foreign companies. About 89% of US cement capacity was foreign-owned in 2018.
    • Many concrete and concrete product manufacturers operate within a limited geographical area due to transport issues and costs.
    • Concrete-consuming jobs include commercial and industrial, residential, street and highway, and public works and infrastructure projects.
    • Texas, Florida, and California are the top three cement-consuming states. Texas, Missouri, California, and Florida are the top cement-producing states, accounting for approximately 43% of US production.
                                      Industry Forecast
                                      Cement & Concrete Products Manufacturers Industry Growth
                                      Source: Vertical IQ and Inforum

                                      Recent Developments

                                      Sep 30, 2024 - Employment and Wages Reach New Highs
                                      • Producer prices for cement and concrete products manufacturers rose 5.8% in July compared to a year ago after climbing 9.6% in the previous July-versus-July annual comparison, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. The steep and steady rise in the industry’s producer price index since early 2021 has been supported by growth in nonresidential construction spending, up 4.2% year over year in June and 3.9% from the previous month, BLS data show. Meanwhile, employment by cement and concrete products manufacturers grew 0.8% year over year in July, and average industry wages rose 1.8% over the same period to $27.50 per hour, a new high for the industry, per the BLS.
                                      • Cement production declined in the US in the first half of 2024, according to the US Geological Survey’s latest monthly survey of US cement producers. Portland (including blended) cement consumption fell by 6% in Q2 2024 compared with Q2 2023, while consumption in the first six months of the year decreased by 6% compared with that of the same period of 2023. An estimated 644 million metric tons (Mt) of total construction aggregates was produced and shipped for consumption in the US in Q2 2024, a decrease of 6% compared with Q2 2023, according to Jason Christopher Willett, commodity specialist. The five leading states (in descending order of production for consumption) were Texas, California, Florida, Ohio, and Michigan. Their combined total production for consumption in Q2 2024 was 86 Mt, a decrease of 7% compared with Q2 2023, per the USGS survey.
                                      • The Portland Cement Association (PCA) has been awarded a $2.4-million EPA grant to upgrade environmental data provided by the cement and concrete industry and advance the industry’s efforts toward net zero. PCA will lead a project to improve both the quantity and quality of industry Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) – the most widely used tool by cement producers to measure the potential environmental impact of cement. The project was developed by PCA in partnership with the American Coal Ash Association, the Natural Pozzolan Association, and the Slag Cement Association. It will significantly boost the number of facility-specific EPDs for cementitious materials, upgrading the quality of information available to consumers. PCA was among 38 grantees chosen to address climate change with construction material EPD projects. In total, the agency awarded nearly $160 million in funds from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the most significant climate legislation in US history.
                                      • The US cement market got off to a difficult start this year, CemNet reported in April, citing US Geological Survey data. Total shipments of Portland and blended cement, including imports, in the US and Puerto Rico amounted to approximately 5.9 million tons (Mt) in January, down 14.3% year over year from the 6.9 Mt recorded in January 2023, per USGS. The key destination for Portland cement shipments was California, up nearly 24% year over year, followed by Texas and Florida. After contracting 2.8% year over year in 2023, forecasts predict a modest expansion in cement consumption in 2024, driven largely by infrastructure construction, according to CemNet. Of the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act package, roughly $550 billion is earmarked directly for new projects, and the US Portland Cement Association estimates the deal will add 46Mt to cement consumption over its five-year period.
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