In a recent case study, we shared how a mid-sized bank has seen more success since integrating Vertical IQ’s Industry Intelligence into its sales processes and customer-centric culture. With a focus on supporting customers through a diverse range of financial products and services, this bank has discovered that Vertical IQ helps its team transition from exceptional bankers to trusted advisors.

Mid-sized banks are ideal candidates for incorporating Vertical IQ into enterprise-wide banking operations — including all lines of business from commercial and business banking and lending to treasury management, retail banking, wealth management, and more! Here’s a brief summary of how this particular mid-sized bank has benefitted from using Industry Intelligence.

Better conversations to uncover businesses’ needs

Despite the bank’s strong position, sales leaders recognized the need for a differentiating solution for sales and relationship management. They had tools for credit and lending but needed something to enhance their conversational competence with business owners. Vertical IQ’s Industry Intelligence provided the necessary insights to shift conversations and better understand business needs, fostering a beneficial cultural shift within the bank.

Streamlined, enterprise-wide utility

With the adoption of Vertical IQ in 2022 and an upgrade to a three-year enterprise subscription in 2023, the bank has seen widespread usage of the platform across various departments. The platform’s versatility, sales enablement features, and call preparation resources have been particularly beneficial. Vertical IQ’s integration with Salesforce has further streamlined access to industry insights, making customer engagement even more effective.

Improved call preparation, credibility, and industry targeting

The bank’s leadership has highlighted the value of Vertical IQ’s call preparation resources, which include specialized niches within industries. These resources have proven effective in training and enhancing the credibility of bankers during customer interactions. The financial insights, particularly the Financial Benchmarks and Working Capital chapters, have been instrumental in targeting deposit-rich industries and assessing risk, aligning with the bank’s strategic focus on deposits.

Support from the top to create a cultural shift

The bank’s commitment to using Vertical IQ has fostered a culture of trust and unity, driven by leadership’s advocacy for the platform. The consistent use of Industry Intelligence has helped the bank adapt to changing economic conditions, emphasizing relationship-building over transactions. This cultural shift, endorsed by leadership and supported by Vertical IQ, has enabled the bank to better engage with prospects and nurture strong customer relationships.

A time-saving resource that drives results

This mid-sized bank has successfully leveraged Vertical IQ’s Industry Intelligence to enhance its sales enablement and customer engagement strategies. The platform’s insights have helped the bank identify new opportunities, deepen existing customer relationships, and maintain a competitive edge in challenging economic times. By integrating Vertical IQ into its operations, the bank continues to stand tall and achieve remarkable success.

If you are a mid-sized bank looking to take your enterprise-wide operations to the next level, Vertical IQ is the perfect solution. Contact us today to learn more about how incorporating Industry Intelligence into your strategies can be a game-changing differentiator.


What to read more about how this mid-sized bank in the Southwest is benefitting from the actionable, convenient, focused Industry Intelligence found on Vertical IQ? Download the full case study now!

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