Nanotechnology Research Services

Industry Profile Report

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Industry Overview Current Conditions, Industry Structure, How Firms Operate, Industry Trends, Credit Underwriting & Risks, and Industry Forecast.

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Financial Insights Working Capital, Capital Financing, Business Valuation, and Financial Benchmarks.

Industry Profile Excerpts

Industry Overview

The 1,540 nanotechnology research services companies conduct research and experimental development on matter at the nanoscale (1 to 100 nanometers). Their work may evolve into the creation of new nanotechnology processes, materials, or products that may be reproduced, utilized, or implemented by different industries. Firms study the physical, chemical, biological, and optical properties of matter at the nanoscale that differ from the properties of bulk materials, single atoms, and molecules. Nanostructured materials may be stronger, more chemically reactive, or have different magnetic properties compared to the standard forms and sizes of the same material. The end goal of research is to develop technology or new applications of technology for commercialization.

Dependence on End Markets and Economic Conditions

The nanotechnology industry is dependent on the output of end markets, which are impacted by economic conditions.

Patents Decline

While the total number of patents granted for nanotechnology has fallen over time, certain categories experienced growth.

Industry size & Structure

The average nanotechnology research and development company employs about 20 workers and generates $23 million annually.

    • The nanotechnology research and development industry consists of about 1,540 firms that employ about 30,000 workers and generate $35 billion annually.
    • The industry is concentrated with the top 50 companies account for about 65% of industry revenue.
    • Estimated revenue for US products that incorporate nanotechnology totaled $3 trillion in 2020, according to the Congressional and National Science Foundation studies.
    • Government-funded organizations that host nanotechnology research include Argonne National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Brookhaven National Laboratory. Universities with major nanotechnology research centers (which receive government funding) include Cornell, Northwestern, Stanford, and the University of Minnesota.
                                  Industry Forecast
                                  Nanotechnology Research Services Industry Growth
                                  Source: Vertical IQ and Inforum

                                  Recent Developments

                                  Jul 2, 2024 - Slower, but Steady Industry Growth
                                  • The nanotechnology research services industry is expected to return to stronger sales growth in 2025. The industry’s year-over-year sales growth is forecast to slow to 4.4% in 2024 after rising 8.1% in 2023, according to Inforum and the Interindustry Economic Research Fund, Inc. Sales growth in the nanotechnology research services industry is expected to increase to 5.9% in 2025, then see average annual growth of about 6.4% through 2028, according to Inforum and the Interindustry Economic Research Fund, Inc.
                                  • Scientists at the Center for Research in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Materials recently published a study in the journal Angewandte Chemie outlining the development of new nanocarriers that were inspired by the helical structure of proteins and DNA, according to The nanocarriers can encapsulate drugs and use light and the structure of the carrier itself to deliver them in a controlled manner. The researchers showed that the polymer-based nanocarriers degraded when exposed to light, prompting them to release their payload. By improving understanding of helical polymer behavior, the new research could aid in the development of next-generation nanocarriers for use in targeted drug delivery, nanomaterial design, and bioimaging.
                                  • Researchers at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) recently announced the development of Smart Lab, an AI-enhanced robotics platform for developing nanomaterials, according to The scientists first developed a robotic device that synthesized nanoparticles and measured their optical properties. The KIST researchers then added AI technology to synthesize nanomaterials by inputting the desired material properties. Smart Lab speeds up material discovery by more than 500 times and can operate 24/7 without human supervision. The KIST team plans to use Smart Lab to make materials discoveries in other fields, including batteries, catalysts, and displays.
                                  • University of California, San Diego researchers have developed a nanoparticle-based treatment that has shown promise in protecting mice against metastatic cancers, according to Nano Magazine. The nanoparticles were created from an agent that infects black-eyed peas, the cowpea mosaic virus. The nanoparticle-based treatment has shown efficacy in hindering the growth of metastatic tumors associated with cancers, including breast, colon, ovarian, and melanoma. The treatment also exhibited positive results in preventing the return of cancer in mice that had had tumors removed.
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